Bluetooth Mesh

Bluetooth Mesh

In many respects, IoT is still a technology for the future. However, for lighting and building controls, the future is here. Introduced to facilitate IoT networks, Bluetooth Mesh is great for enabling lighting and other building control networks.

Rather than relying on a WiFi network for connectivity, Bluetooth Mesh uses Bluetooth connections to enable a many-to-many, peer-connected network, where devices are in constant communication with each other. This means that the “intelligence” of the system is distributed across devices, so there is no single point of failure. This creates redundancy and makes the network inherently resilient (self-healing).

Bluetooth Mesh is also one of the most secure technologies out there, and to date there are no known security vulnerabilities, aside from physical access to the hardware.

Previously, one of the primary difficulties encountered when developing an IoT network was that using WiFi networks for connectivity drains device battery very quickly. Bluetooth Low Energy (also known as BLE) allows devices to connect while using just a fraction of the previously required power. BLE can thus enable some devices to go for months or even years without charging or changing batteries.

Bluetooth Mesh and BLE together can lead to a reliable and innovative network that does not place increased strain on existing systems. There are already systems that take advantage of this and allow for smart lighting solutions, with features such as shifting the intensity or color of the light to match people’s circadian rhythm, allowing each employee in an office to adjust lighting settings (such as brightness, intensity, etc.) for their individual area, or connecting lights to sensors so that if the office or room is empty no energy is wasted. These types of solutions are just the first in a wave of innovations on the back of Bluetooth Mesh, BLE and other related technologies. The future is bright for further applications in the lighting industry.

Most Bluetooth controls adopters developed their own proprietary Mesh on the top of Bluetooth, making it a closed trademarked network. BubblyNet offers a controls solution completely open to integration with any other device and brand Bluetooth Mesh Qualified.

Zaniboni Lighting integrates BubblyNet devices and delivers Bluetooth Mesh luminaires. Contact us to explore how we can meet your specialized needs and purposes.