Minimalism is the pursuit of that simplicity defined as plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design. My take on Minimalism is not about plain and basic. Very far from it rather, it is about uncomplicating; the removal of complications.


In a world of rising complexity, the uncomplicated is the ultimate luxury because of its rarity. 

Imagine arriving at your hotel. Check-in is just a smile and courteous welcome at the door. An attendant takes you to your room where your bags are already unpacked and your belongings are where they should be. The room temperature is perfect with subtle music creating a relaxing ambiance.  Your favorite drink is on the side table and high-speed internet is secured. Even the bath, where you usually unwind after a long trip, has been drawn. Isn't this the ultimate in luxury check-in?

It could be argued that such an experience isn't in any way minimalistic as it requires mastering great complexity and quantities of information, moving parts, technology, personnel training and so on.

But looking at it from the perspective of the customer, it eliminates most of the normal annoyances of travel, achieving the same kind of serene experience that minimalistic architecture and design delivers.

Minimalism is the luxury of the uncomplicated. 

In a world doomed to commoditization, we usually compete with the majority of the market obsessed with cost reduction (and value reduction) by adding value in terms of more service, more content, and more presence in the belief that more is better.

A different, and in my opinion, a great approach for the customer is to zero in on the problems and difficulties he/she consider part and parcel of the service and make them disappear. This delivers great and unexpected value in terms of uncomplication.

It is with this perceptive that Zaniboni Lighting is developing an adaptive control system that will morph the environment to conform to guest preferences in totally unexpected and uncomplicated ways.

The luxury of simplicity.